Thursday 2 February 2012

Earn through a profitable Cultivation

Now a days a hybrid fruit (version of Indian plum), locally call ‘Apple kul’ has become famous profitable cultivation in West Bengal.

This fruit is originally from Bangladesh. First it’s commercially cultivated in Bongaon, Basirhat area in West Bengal.  But it’s now spread in district like 24 Parganas, Medinipur area. I personally met some people, farm owner who are aggressively going with this 1st growing fruit.

apple kul

Soil:      This plant is compatible with soft soil like “Dnoash Mati” and “Poli mati”. Can be grow in hard soil also but need special care. Soil should be prepared earlier with power tiller and need “Do-chaas”.

Plant: Baby plant should be collected from nursery. It’s available and comparatively cheap in Bongaon area. They will supply each baby plant in 6 to 12 inch tub. Care should be taken during transportation because the plant is very soft. It will cost INR 130 – 150 per plant.

Plantation: The plant should remove carefully from the tub and to be placed in land whose soil is prepared prior.  It should plant in 3 feet distance from each other and it’s better to maintain a row. Watering to be done properly after plantation.

Nursing:            Watering to be done regular basis in morning or evening. Apply organic fertilizer 1 month interval for baby plant in very little quantity. Generally pesticide is not required for baby plant but if necessary use weak pesticide. When budding will start give fertilizer (Organic like Jaibya, sona , cow dung etc) Little amount nitrogen can be add with fertilizer.

Growing rate: Plant will grow in very good rate after one month if soil is prepared properly.  The plant generally grow enough with in one year that it will give fruit. In picture the tree is of 1.5 years.

Fencing: When plant will start to grow fence should be arrange for the support of the growing trees as I mentioned earlier that the plant is very soft. Here need to mention that I practically saw the branch to get damage due to weak support. When fruit will grow in full form its branch can’t bear the weight of fruit itself (It’s the specialty of this plant). It is need to support properly with bamboo stick and fencing. All the branches get bend extremely due weight of excess fruit. The number of fruit in a tree can be imagined from the pictures here. Bird can damage your fruit in night. If its become great trouble due to bird then it is need to arrange net to protect fruit from bird. Auto electric alarming system can be arranged to avoid bird. It’s not so costly but really helpful.
                                         apple kul garden

Market: After fruit get matured collect it properly and pack it in container of 10, 20, even 50 kg as required. It’s generally we pack in conaIf it’s new in your area try to familiar in local market. I did that once and it’s now famous in local market. Other wise you can send it to Howrah / Kolkata side where it has a good market. There are some fruit shops who are interested to take your garden in contact basis for the season. It is quit headache free.

In brief it’s very profitable cultivation. For the 1st year you have to take special headache and you may not get so profit but don’t be worried we will get fulfill next and forward.
If you need any more information feel free to mail me. I will guide you through expertise suggestion.